I’ve started reading a new book today – Nocturnes by John Connolly. I’d never even heard of him until last week saw the book in a charity shop and liked the cover so picked it up and took a look. It was only £1, and, when I looked inside it, it was a signed 1st…
Month: July 2006
Not Only A Bargain, But A Damn Good Read Too!
I’ve started reading a new book today – Nocturnes by John Connolly. I’d never even heard of him until last week saw the book in a charity shop and liked the cover so picked it up and took a look. It was only £1, and, when I looked inside it, it was a signed 1st…
Still Reading H. P. Lovecraft
Well, I am still reading Lovecraft (and no it isn’t a text book for rebellious virgins). H.P. Lovecraft has been credited with inventing the modern horror tradition. I know. It says so on the back of my book. The thing is reading some of Lovecraft’s work has been on my to-do-list for quite some time….
From A Demon Seed to Lovecraft
I finished reading Demon Seed, yesterday. There was a lot of hidden depth to it, but I can’t say that it was on of my all time favourite Dean Koontz novels. I may hunt out the original version sometime, though, and try that. As I have never read any of Lovecraft’s works – crazy aint…
Let’s Talk Nuts
At one time, here in the UK, Halloween was very much at time for having your fortune told and there were any number means of doing so. One example involved nuts. No, I’m not talking about the kind of nuts that walk backwards around their house on Halloween, in an attempt to keep away the…
Gunslinger – WoW!
Finished The Gunslinger. If you haven’t read it, then I can recommend it. It’s very good. The guy has a real distinctive way of talking, I have got to say. But then, it is a Stephen King so I knew it would be good. _________________________________________________________ I’ve finished plotting my sea level graphs and have got my…
Editing My Vampire Novelette
I have finished editing my vampire novelette, Vampire Loving. I spent most of Sunday editing it and trying to put a polish on it. Whether or not it will shine in a publisher’s eye is entirely another matter. I hope so. I had a lot of fun writing it. Anyway, I printed it out in…