Yesterday I more or less forgot that it was Halloween. It was easy to do. In the town a lot of the Christmas decorations are up and the local shopping centre looks like Santa’s grotto – in fact Santa’s grotto is actually there underneath the Christmas tree. In the back of my mind I knew it was Halloween, but that is where it stayed – in the back of my mind.
I think the first time I remembered that it was Halloween was when I went to Asda on the evening. They always have a greeter to welcome the shoppers, and yesterday the greeter was a witch – the green hair was a nice touch, almost matching the green of the Asda logo.
Driving home I passed one group of Trick or Treaters and that is the only ones I saw all day – mind you our 6 foot garden gate is quite impenetrable so that might have had something to do with it.
It is amazing though, when I see American films. Halloween seems to be a big occasion over there, and I get the impression that the streets must be filled with candy hungry vampires, demons and goblins etc. Our streets are nothing like that, but for a couple of weeks or so before Halloween there are those who do trick or treat, and those who do, do so every night and I wonder every year if this is how it works elsewhere in the world, or if it is something that is peculiar to British soils.
I did find a suitably spooky programme to watch last night though. The Haunted Airman, based on The Haunting of Toby Jugg by Dennis Wheatley; it was very good, even if I didn’t understand the ending – I think I must have missed something along the way. Oh well, next time it’s on I will have to watch closer.