I haven’t really done a Halloween post this year, so I might as well do one now because time is getting short and all that.
I thought what I would do is have a look around the net for the strangest Halloween game that I could find and, guess what?
At least I think I did. When I visited THIS SITE I found reference to a game called Autopsy. Man that is a weird old game. According to the site Autopsy (or Post Mortem) is a traditional Halloween game for kids to play. Apparently everyone dons a blindfold and gathers to listen to the following poem:
‘The truth it is, and not a myth
That once there lived a man named Smith,
And it became his mournful lot,
To murdered be quite near this spot.
We now will pass out his remains,
You first will handle poor Smith’s brains…’
And as poor, old Smithy is taken apart, piece by piece, wet sponges are passed, from hand to hand, amongst the gamers. Ughhhh! I think that particular game might put the kiddies off their Halloween candy.
I must say that I can only find reference to this game on the one site and I had never heard off it before. The name Charles F. Smith is mentioned as its creator, but I can’t find out anything about him either. Unless he was an army man. I can find Charles F. Smith the soldier, but I cannot find anything, anywhere about him trying to put the kids off their candy.
Whatever the game’s origins (have you ever played it before? Even heard of it?) it is still the strangest Halloween game that I found. Or do you know of a stranger one?