Last week I read Robert R. McCammon’s They Thirst. It is one of my favorite vampire novels. I love it and have now read it three times. Whenever I read a book I write the date that I finished reading it inside the front cover. I noticed something intersersting when I did so this time. The last time that I read They Thirst was in June 2000, seven years ago, and the first time that I read it was in June 1993, seven years to the very month. Wow. Talk about coincidence. I seem to be reading this book in seven year intervals. I must get a seven year itch about it or something, because I never planned it this way and never even looked at the other dates written in the book until I added the last one.
They Thirst is a great book, but I notice that Amazon never seem to have it these days and I am wondering if it has gone out of print. It is strange if that is so because it really is one hell of a vampire yarn.
If you have never heard of Robert R. McCammon you can visit his website by clicking HERE. Mr McCammon is also the man who originally came up with the idea of the The Horror Writers Association. If you want to find out a little bit more about that just click HERE.