I tend to read a lot of work written by the same authors. Once that I know that I enjoy someone’s work I suppose that it is only natural that I should want to read more of it, but I do try to read something different every now and again. Partly, I suppose, because I am afraid that I might be missing out on something. Last week I bought Vampyrrhic, by Simon Clark. I’d heard the name and I’d seen his books often enough on the shelves, but I’d never taken that all important step from browsing to reading. Now I’m going to have to buy some more of his books and add them to my book mountain. I really enjoyed Vampyrrhic. I am quite fortunate really, I seem to have this sixth sense about books and only rarely end up buying something I don’t like. It happens, but not often.
I also tried reading some H P. Lovecraft. Again. I read his short story The Rats in the Walls. I liked the idea of it, but I just hated the prose. The strange thing is that whenever I read an article where someone is talking about Lovecraft I get the impression that one of the things he was most famous for was the quality of his prose. It just doesn’t work for me though. Obviously I am not criticizing Lovecraft. I am just making a point that, no matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to enjoy reading his stories.
I am also working my way through King’s Danse Macabre. I tried reading it once before, but then stopped. I am enjoying it better this time because I am only reading a few pages of it a day and it gives me more time to think about what King is saying in the book.