Well, I thought I’d better do a post today. What’s the point of having a blog if I never write any posts? I have been writing of course, just not here. I never seem to have anything interesting to say these days. I have put together a new website though, so I suppose I might as well mention that. It’s not about writing, it’s about Ouija boards and it contains lots and lots of videos to watch about—can you guess?—Ouija boards. To be quite honest I am flabbergasted how many videos there are about this. It seems that there are an awful lot of Ouija board stories posted on YouTube. I am sure that some of the videos that are claimed to be about real Ouija board experiences are about as real as the tooth fairy, but some of them make interesting viewing. Anyway I’ve called the site Weird Ouijas and if you want to check it out you can find it HERE.
Just for the record, I never mess with Ouijas myself. I think they are dangerous. Looking at the amount of interest there seems to be in them though, I seem to be in the minority as far as that is concerned.