I recently watched the film The Messengers and there were a lot of crows in the film, but I never really figured out why. As I thought about it I wondered if they were meant to be psychopomps. Maybe they were and maybe they weren’t but it has given me an idea for today’s post….
Author: Steve Calvert
Just A Link
In Sunday’s post I mentioned a site that listed some ebay auctions of supposedly haunted/cursed items. I managed to find a link. It is quite an interesting site and worth checking around a bit. Here is a link to the site: http://www.ghoststudy.com/ And here is a link to the haunted auctions section: http://www.ghoststudy.com/new7_crypt/haunted_auction.htm
The Hands Resist Him: eBay’s Famous Haunted Painting
My last post was about a supposedly cursed painting and so today I will do something different: a post about a supposedly haunted painting. 🙂 The painting in question turned up in an ebay auction in February 2000. It’s called The Hands Resist Me. It has a slightly unsettling look to it, don’t you think?…
Tears Amongst The Flames: The Crying Boy
Like the picture? It’s the Crying Boy. One version of it anyway, because there do seem to be a few different ones around when you start looking. Any and/or all of them are meant to be bad luck though. Or so a lot of people believe. The original Crying Boy painting was the creation of…
Keeping The Spirit In The Bottle
I was sitting looking at an old glass bottle the other day. You probably know the kind I mean, they usually have a green look to them – the kind that people sometimes dig out of their garden if they live in an old house. Anyway, there I was looking at this old bottle and…
Locked In For Love
I haven’t done a spooky post for a while and so I will rectify that now. The following tale is supposedly true and hails from the North Yorkshire village of Little Smeaton. I am not sure exactly how long ago this all happened, but it is a sad and spooky story. You probably won’t have…
Dictionary of Hammer Horror
HERE’S A LINK FOR HAMMER HORROR FANS. It looks like the site is still a work in progress, but it is still pretty good.
Caught on Security Camera
I’ve just been watching some interesting footage of a supposed ghost that was caught on a security camera. HERE’S THE LINK if you are interested. It is quite strange and I think it might very well be a ghost.
It’s Coronation Street, But Not As We Know It
I watched Most Haunted earlier this evening. I was rather surprised when I saw where Yvette and the team were investigating: Coronation Street. I never knew that the Street had a spook problem, but apparantly they do. Anyway, if you didn’t see the show and want to find out a little more about it JUST…
Tulpa?… What’s that?
A couple of days ago I was surfing the web and I saw a word that I didn’t know: tulpa. It sounded familiar, but if I ever knew what it meant I had forgotten. I looked into the meaning of this strange sounding word and, when I found out what it meant, I realized that…