I’ve just been reading one of F. Marion Crawford’s short stories. It’s called The Screaming Skull and at the end of the story there is a note that says that it was inspired by the real life legend of the screaming skull at Bettiscombe Manor. I have been familiar with the legend for many years…
Rare Footage of Bela Lugosi
I was just surfing a few Bela Lugosi links and I found this photograph of him from back in 1955: It was taken just before he was voluntarily committed to the state hospital for treatment as a chronic user of narcotics for sedation. I followed a few more links and found some rare footage of…
Watch Online: The Ray Bradbury Theatre – Marionettes, Inc
The Ray Bradbury Theatre ran for six seasons between 1985 and 1992. There were a total of sixty-five episodes and I never saw a single one of them. These are the days of the internet though, and I have just found most of the episodes online. I have just finished watching the first one, Marionettes,…
The Return of the Killer Shrews Official Website is Now Live
My last post was about the the upcoming sequel to the The Killer Shrews. I have just found out that the official website is now live; check it out: The Return of the Killer Shrews. Before you do though, turn up the sound on your computer because the site has some sound effects.
Sequel to The Killer Shrews is On the Way
The Killer Shrews was released in 1959. Now, over half a century later, a remake is on the way. The original film was a low-budget B movie, and the giant killer shrews were just dogs in drag. It had a certain charm to it though, and even to this day many people love it; so…
A Long Time Coming
Today I received an email informing me that one of my short horror stories has been rejected. I just updated my database and realized that I submitted the story in December 2009. It seems a long time to have to wait for a rejection, but I’ve had stories that have been out for two or…
Anthony Hopkins May Play Hitchcock in New Movie
According to Hollywood Reporter Anthony Hopkins may play Alfred Hitchcock in Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho, a big screen adaptation of Stephen Rebello non-fiction book about the director. Rebello’s book tracks how Hitchcock, already a very successful director, decided to make a horror film. Unfortunately none of the studios liked the idea. Not…
Grave Tales The Movie
Do you remember Brian Murphy? He of George and Mildred fame? Well he’s starring as a gravedigger in a new horror anthology called Grave Tales. I’ve just been watching the trailer on the Grave Tales website and it looks pretty darn good to me. The basic idea is that a young genealogist is having a…
Dracula has been made, remade, rehashed and resurrected so many times that it can be hard to keep track of it. Now Stoker’s classic tale is destined to get a whole new look, but you will need a special pair of glasses to see it. Yep! Dracula 3D is on its way. Dario Argento will…
Whistle and I’ll Come to You?
This year the BBC reworked and rehashed Whistle and I’ll Come to You. According to them it is: A chilling new single drama, Whistle and I’ll Come to You is the thoroughly modern re-working of the evocative Edwardian ghost story Oh, Whistle and I’ll come to You, My Lad by MR James, adapted for BBC…