It’s been a while since my last post. I couldn’t think of anything interesting to write and I haven’t done anything particularly of note either. Just the same ever-old-day kind of stuff. I watched Tod Browning’s Freaks (1932) again last week. I like that film and have seen it a few times. I checked up about the story it is based on. It is called Spurs and was written by Tod Robbins; so it as written by one Tod and made into a film by another one. I found the story online, read it, and found it a very different kettle of fish to the film. It’s an enjoyable little yarn though. If you want to read it yourself it can be found HERE. It’s not the shortest of short stories, although it might have just seemed longer to me because I prefer to read my fiction from a printed page.
I’ve had a few stories rejected lately (including a non-form rejection from Chizine)…
fanfare of trumpets…
my short story The Living Proof has been accepted by Necrotic Tissue and will be in their July issue.