I’m happy to announce my short story “Red on Red” is Included in Bloodlust. Bloodlust, is a mixed-author erotic horror anthology published by Black Hare Press. It’s due to be released on 14th February 2025. If you enjoy a good helping of chills with your thrills, and like to strike while the iron is hot,…
Category: Writing
A Fine Hammock – Coming Soon to Hawthorn & Ash
Iron Faerie Publishing recently accepted one of my short stories. It’s called “A Fine Hammock”, and will appear online in Hawthorn & Ash #66, on January 20th, at which point, if you want to, you will be able to read it on the following page: https://ironfaeriepublishing.com/2025/01/20/hawthorn-ash-66/ Most of my stories are horror stories. “A Fine…
Story Acceptance Does Not Always Result in Publication
In my last post, I mentioned I’d successfully placed stories with a couple of anthologies. I also said I wouldn’t name the publications in case I was messed around. It would be harsh to say that anyone actually messed me around this time, but one of the stories is unlikely to be published. I submitted…
These Days, Finding Fiction Markets Is a Different Story
Earlier this year, after a 10-year hiatus, I began trying to find homes for my short stories, and a lot has changed during the last decade. For one thing, Ralan.com has bitten the dust, so I’ve had to find an alternative means of finding potential markets for my fiction. The best Ralan alternative I’ve found…
The Most Misspelled Word in the English Language
Like a lot of people, I often make spelling mistakes and the fact that I rely so much on the Microsoft Word spell check facility probably ensures that my spelling will always be a cause for concern. Sometimes though, especially when I am jotting down notes in a text file, I do not have a…
Writers Beware: Tony Giangregorio
It’s a big, bad world out there and there is always someone willing to screw you over if you allow them the chance. I just visited a blog where a warning has been posted about a guy named Tony Giangregorio. Apparently he’s got quite a reputation for taking other people’s work, giving it a nifty…
Available to Read Online at Every Day Fiction: Scott Is
My flash fiction story “Scott Is” is now online at Every Day Fiction and I am delighted by the amount of positive comments have been made about the story. If you want to check it out, here is a link
Black Treacle Magazine: A New Paying Market
Black Treacle is a new magazine edited by A. P. Matlock. The first issue came out earlier this month and can be read online at the Black Treacle website or can be downloaded, for free, in a choice of formats, including Kindle, e-pub, Kobo and Nook. Issue #1 contains five short stories. The first one…
Story Accepted for Publication
Every Day Fiction have just accepted my story “Scott is” and it will be probably be published sometime within the next couple of months.
Duotrope to Scrap Free Market Listings at the End of the Month
Duotrope have just announced that they will be ditching most of their free features in the new year. After that you will need to pay a subscription of $5 a month if you want to be able to search their listings or use their submission tracker. So if you use their system to track your…