I was reading a story the other day where a guy was trying to catch falling leaves because he hoped that an old superstition was true, that stated that for every falling leaf that someone catches they add an extra day to their life. Ever hear that one before? I hadn’t and so I tried…
The Hellbound Heart
Last week I read Clive Barker’s novella The Hellbound Heart. It’s good, but it is the book that Hellraiser is based on, so I suppose it is pretty obvious that it is a good read. I’ve only seen the film once and that was a long time ago and so I can’t really make a…
One For The Writers of Flash
I don’t write a lot of flash fiction, but I do write it occasionally and a couple of days ago I discovered that there is a yahoo group for writers of flash. I noticed that the group sends out a newsletter and that the newsletter contains market listings. Like a lot of writers I am…
Lisey’s Story
Last week when I did a post about reading Tony mentioned that he had heard some negative reports about Lisey’s story. I must admit that he is not alone in that because I have too. In fact, quite a while ago, I read this in a forum (someone asking the members if it was worth…
Is The American Short Story Alive and Well?
There is a rather interesting Essay in The New York Times. It’s dated Sep 30th, but I’ve only just found out about it. The essay is called ‘What Ails the Short Story’, it is rather interesting, and the guy who penned it knows a thing or two about short stories. They call him Stephen King….
Worth Checking Out…
For a long time now I have been subscribed to the free Funds for Writers newsletter. It’s an interesting newsletter and contains a lot of useful information, a lot or which is about getting money into the pockets of writers. I will be honest here and tell you that the main thing that I look…
Words of Wisdom
I recently came across this quote: ~ “A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” – Richard Bach ~ I think I will use it as a mantra and repeat it to myself every time I get a rejection letter.
The last book I read was Psychoville by Christopher Fowler. It’s a very good book and is one that most readers might enjoy. There are dark elements to the story, but there is such a lot more besides and it is one of those stories that seem to linger in the head a while after…
Tagged! (For a Writing Meme)
Absolute Vanilla has just tagged me for a writing meme created by Patrick at Writing Life. If I accept this task the instructions are: “Make a list of five strengths that you possess as a writer/artist. It’s not really bragging, it’s an honest assessment (forced upon you by this darn meme). Please resist the urge…
Time Flies
Doesn’t time fly when you are busy? I haven’t posted in over a week now. I just never had the time because I have been very busy in the kitchen with my spirit level, my t-square and assorted other tools. Jobs needed doing, I had to do them (or pay someone else to do them…