I think everyone knows about bobbing for apples. These days it regarded more as a game. In times past though, there was a little more to it and it was believed that the first person to successfully remove an apple from the water with their teeth would be the first next person to marry. Then,…
Author: Steve Calvert
A Backwards Superstition for Halloween
It was once believed that you could stop evil spirits from entering your house by walking backwards around the outside of it. For this to work though you had to do it three times, travel anti-clockwise, and be sure that you were finished before sunset. IMPORTANT: Please note that although this process was believed to…
What’s The Halloween Connection?
I just know that you probably won’t know the answer to this one, and will just guess it. I also know that you will probably guess it right, but I’ll ask the question anyway; just so you can feel good when you see the answer. What do the following people have in common? Val Kilmer…
The Origin of Trick or Treat
Have you ever wondered about the origin of the Trick or Treat tradition, or have you always been too busy stuffing your face with all of that hard gotten Halloween candy? If this is a question that you have pondered over, I am afraid that there is no definite answer for you. One very plausible…
Behind The Stories
I’ve just found a rather interesting site today, and for once it has nothing to do with anything weird or scary (nothings perfect, right?) At first glance I thought that the site would only be of interest to kids. I delved a little deeper, and guess what, I was wrong. The site is called Story…
A Cool Site With A Name That You Can Sink Your Teeth Into
Today, while searching the net for the strange and unusual, I discovered a rather interesting looking site, belonging to an even more interesting looking magazine. Bite Me, no I’m not being offensive, that happens to be the name of the magazine, and it seems to be all about things that are dark, with a special…
Haunted Times – A Dark Inspiration
While searching the Internet for the weird and strange, strange to say, I have found something weird and strange and possibly useful. It’s called The Haunted Times, and although it is a print magazine they do have an online content. Well, having found the site, the temptation was just too much for me and I…
The Big Picture
Sometimes when I want to write a short story, I sit staring into space and trying to think of ideas, only the ideas won’t come. It’s like trying to do jigsaw. First you have to find all of the pieces, and then you have to decide how they are meant to fit together in order…
Powerful Words
Something on a calendar caught my eye today: You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. The calendar didn’t mention who the quote is from, but whatever its origins, what a great way of looking at things.
A Monstrous Resarch Tool
There are a few sites that I find handy for research purposes. Monstrous is one of them. If you want to know about fairies, they’ve got it. If you want to know about zombies, they’ve got that too. Actually they have got quite a lot of information about quite a lot of things. I had…